Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to its south(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13). Singapore is highly urbanised but almost half of the country is covered by greenery. More land is being created for development through land reclamation.

Singapore had been a part of various local empires since it was first inhabited in the second century AD. Modern Singapore was founded as a trading post of the East India Company by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819 with permission from the Sultanate of Johor(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13A/B). The British obtained full sovereignty over the island in 1824 and Singapore became one of the British Straits Settlements in 1826. Singapore was occupied by the Japanese in World War II and reverted to British rule after the war. It became internally self-governing in 1959. Singapore united with other former British territories to form Malaysia in 1963 and became a fully independent state two years later after separation from Malaysia(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13B/B). Since then it has had a massive increase in wealth, and is one of the Four Asian Tigers. The economy depends heavily on the industry and service sectors. Singapore is a world leader in several areas: It is the world's fourth-leading financial centre, the world's second-biggest casino gambling market, the world's third-largest oil refining centre(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13/S). The port of Singapore is one of the five busiest ports in the world, most notable for being the busiest transshipment port in the world. The country is home to more US dollar millionaire households per capita than any other country. The World Bank notes Singapore as the easiest place in the world to do business(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13B/S).

Singapore is a parliamentary republic with a Westminster system of unicameral parliamentary government. The People's Action Party (PAP) has won every election since the British grant of internal self-government in 1959. The legal system of Singapore has its foundations in the English common law system, but modifications have been made to it over the years, such as the removal of trial by jury(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13A/S). The PAP's popular image is that of a strong, experienced and highly qualified government, backed by a skilled Civil Service and an education system with an emphasis on achievement and meritocracy; but it is perceived by some voters, opposition critics and international observers as being authoritarian and too restrictive on individual freedom(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13A/Q).

Some 5 million people live in Singapore, of whom 2.91 million were born locally. Most are of Chinese, Malay or Indian descent. There are four official languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. One of the five founding members of the Association of South East Asian Nations, Singapore also hosts the APEC Secretariat, and is a member of the East Asia Summit, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the Commonwealth(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q).


Main article: Names of Singapore

The English name of Singapore is derived from the Malay Singapura (Sanskrit सिंहपुर Lion City), hence the customary reference to the nation as the Lion City. Lions probably never lived there; the beast seen by Sang Nila Utama, founder of ancient Singapore, who gave the city its name, was most likely a tiger(AKKU Sony VGP-BPS13Q).


Main article: History of Singapore

Victorious Japanese troops marching through Singapore City after British capitulation at the Battle of Singapore

The earliest known settlement on Singapore was in the second century AD. It was an outpost of the Sumatran Srivijaya empire, named Temasek ('sea town'). Between the 16th and early 19th centuries, it was part of the Sultanate of Johor. In 1613, Portuguese raiders burnt down the settlement and the island sank into obscurity for the next two centuries(Sony VGP-BPL8 Battery).

In 1819, Thomas Stamford Raffles arrived and signed a treaty with Sultan Hussein Shah on behalf of the British East India Company to develop the southern part of Singapore as a British trading post. In 1824 the entire island became a British possession under a further treaty whereby the sultan and the Temenggong transferred it to the British East India Company(Sony VGP-BPL8A Battery). In 1826 it became part of the British Straits Settlements, becoming the capital in 1836.[13]Before Raffles arrived, there were around 1,000 people living in Singapore, mostly Malays and a few dozen Chinese. By 1869, due to migration from Malaya and other parts of Asia, Singapore's population had reached 100,000(Sony VGN-FZ130E/B Battery).

During World War II the Imperial Japanese Army invaded Malaya culminating in the Battle of Singapore. The British were defeated, and surrendered on 15 February 1942. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called this "the worst disaster and largest capitulation in British history"(Sony VGN-FZ130E/BA Battery). The Sook Ching massacre of ethnic Chinese after the fall of Singapore claimed between 5,000 and 25,000 lives. The Japanese occupied Singapore until the British repossessed it in September 1945 after the Japanese surrender.

Singapore's first general election in 1955 was won by the pro-independence David Marshall, leader of the Labour Front. Demanding complete self-rule he led a delegation to London but was turned down by the British(Sony VGN-FZ130E/BB Battery). He resigned when he returned and was replaced by Lim Yew Hock, whose policies convinced Britain to grant Singapore full internal self-government for all matters except defence and foreign affairs.

In elections in May 1959 the People's Action Party won a landslide victory. Singapore had become an internally self-governing state within the Commonwealth, with Lee Kuan Yew as the first Prime Minister. Governor Sir William Allmond Codrington Goode served as the first Yang di-Pertuan Negara, and was succeeded by Yusof bin Ishak who in 1965 became the first President of Singapore(Sony VGP-BPL9 Akku).

Singapore declared independence from Britain on 31 August 1963 before joining the new Federation of Malaysia in September along with Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as the result of the 1962 Merger Referendum. Tunku Abdul Rahman separated Singapore from the Federation two years later after heated ideological conflict between the ruling parties of Malaya and Singapore(Sony VGP-BPL9/B Akku).

Singapore gained sovereignty as the Republic of Singapore (remaining within the Commonwealth) on 9 August 1965 with Yusof bin Ishak as president and Lee Kuan Yew as prime minister. In 1967 it helped found the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and in 1970 it joined the Non-aligned movement(Sony VGP-BPL9/S Akku). In 1990 Goh Chok Tong succeeded Lee as prime minister. During his tenure the country faced the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 2003 SARS outbreak and terrorist threats posed by Jemaah Islamiyah. In 2004, Lee Hsien Loong, the eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew, became the country's third prime minister(Sony VGP-BPL9A/B Akku).

Government and politics

Main articles: Government of Singapore, Politics of Singapore, and Human rights in Singapore

Singapore's Parliament House.

Singapore is a parliamentary republic with a Westminster system of unicameral parliamentary government representing constituencies. Its constitution establishes representative democracy as its political system. Freedom House ranks Singapore as "partly free" in its Freedom in the World report, and The Economist ranks Singapore as a "hybrid regime", the third rank out of four, in its "Democracy Index"(Sony VGP-BPL9A Akku). Singapore is consistently rated one of the least corrupt countries in the world by Transparency International.

Executive power rests with the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister, and the President. The president is elected through popular vote, and has some veto powers for a few key decisions such as the use of the national reserves and the appointment of judges, but otherwise occupies a ceremonial post(Sony VGP-BPL9 Akku).

The Parliament serves as the legislative branch of government. Members of Parliament (MPs) consist of elected, non-constituency and nominated members. Elected MPs are voted into parliament on a "first-past-the-post" (plurality) basis and represent either single-member or group-representation constituencies(Sony VGP-BPS21 Akku). The People's Action Party has won control of Parliament with large majorities in every election since self-governance was secured in 1959. However, in the most recent parliamentary elections in 2011, the opposition, led by the Workers' Party, made significant gains and increased its representation in the House to 6 elected MPs(Sony VGP-BPS21A Akku).

The legal system of Singapore is based on English common law, albeit with substantial local differences. Trial by jury was entirely abolished in 1970 leaving judicial assessment performed wholly by judgeship. Singapore has penalties that include judicial corporal punishment in the form of caning for rape, rioting, vandalism(Sony VGP-BPS21B Akku), and some immigration offences. There is a mandatory death penalty for murder, and for certain drug-trafficking and firearms offences. Amnesty International has said that some legal provisions conflict with the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and that Singapore has "possibly the highest execution rate in the world relative to its population".The government has disputed Amnesty's claims(Sony VGP-BPS21A/B Akku). In a 2008 survey, international business executives believed Singapore, along with Hong Kong, had the best judicial system in Asia. In 2010, Singapore was ranked first for "access to civil justice" and "order and security" by the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index.


Main article: Geography of Singapore

Outline of Singapore and the surrounding islands & waterways

Singapore consists of 63 islands, including the main island, widely known as Singapore Island but also as Pulau Ujong(Sony VGP-BPS21/S Akku). There are two man-made connections to Johor, Malaysia: the Johor–Singapore Causeway in the north, and the Tuas Second Link in the west. Jurong Island, Pulau Tekong, Pulau Ubin and Sentosa are the largest of Singapore's smaller islands. The highest natural point is Bukit Timah Hill at 166 m (545 ft) (Akku Sony VGP-BPL14).

There are ongoing land reclamation projects, which have increased Singapore's land area from 581.5 km2 (224.5 sq mi) in the 1960s to 704 km2 (272 sq mi) today; it may grow by another 100 km2 (40 sq mi) by 2030. Some projects involve merging smaller islands through land reclamation to form larger, more functional islands, as with Jurong Island( Akku Sony VGP-BPL14 ). About 23% of Singapore's land area consists of forest and nature reserves. Urbanisation has eliminated most primary rainforest, with Bukit Timah Nature Reserve the only significant remaining forest. Even though there is very little primary rainforest left, there are more than 300 parks and 4 nature reserves in Singapore(Akku Sony VGP-BPS14/S ). There are also many trees planted throughout Singapore and almost fifty per cent of the country is covered by greenery. Because of this, Singapore is also commonly known as the 'Garden City'.

Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate with no distinctive seasons, uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity, and abundant rainfall. Temperatures usually range from 23 to 32 °C (73 to 90 °F) (Akku Sony VGP-BPL14/B). Relative humidity averages around 79% in the morning and 73% in the afternoon. April and May are the hottest months, with the wetter monsoon season from November to January. From July to October, there is often haze caused by bush fires in neighbouring Indonesia. Although Singapore does not observe daylight saving time, it follows time zone GMT+8, one hour ahead of its geographical location(Akku Sony VGP-BPS14/B ).


Main article: Economy of Singapore

The port of Singapore, one of the world's five busiest, with the skyline of Singapore in the background

Before independence in 1965, Singapore was the capital of the British Straits Settlements and a Crown Colony The country was also the main British naval base in East Asia. Because of its status as the main British naval base in the region(AKKU sony VAIO VGN-FW21E), as well as hosting the largest dry dock in the world at that time in the form of the Singapore Naval Base, Singapore was ballyhooed in the press as the 'Gibraltar of the East'. The opening of the Suez Canal in in 1869 caused global trade to boom and Singapore became a major trade node in the world, with the Port of Singapore becoming one of the largest and busiest ports in the world(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW21I). Before independence in 1965, Singapore had a GDP per capita of $511, then the third-highest in East Asia. After independence, foreign direct investment and a state-led drive for industrialisation based on plans by Goh Keng Swee and Albert Winsemius created a modern economy(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW21L).

Today, Singapore has a highly developed market-based economy, based historically on extended entrepôt trade. Along with Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, Singapore is one of the original Four Asian Tigers. The Singaporean economy is known as one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive, most business friendly and least corrupt in the world(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW21Z). The 2011 Index of Economic Freedom ranks Singapore as the freest economy in the world behind only Hong Kong. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index Singapore is also consistently ranked as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, along with New Zealand and the Scandinavian countries.

Singapore is the 14th largest exporter and the 15th-largest importer in the world(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW21M). The country has the highest trade to GDP ratio in the world at 407.9 percent, signifying the importance of trade to its economy. The country is currently the only Asian country to have AAA credit ratings from all three major credit rating agencies – Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. Singapore attracts a lot of foreign direct investment because of its location(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW31M), corruption-free environment, skilled work force, low tax rates and advanced infrastructure. There are more than 7,000 multi-national corporations from the United States, Japan, and Europe in Singapore. There are also 1,500 companies from China and another 1,500 from India based in Singapore. Foreign firms are found in almost all sectors of the economy(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW31J). Singapore is also the second-largest foreign investor in India. Roughly 44 percent of the Singaporean workforce is made up of non Singaporeans. Over ten free trade agreements have been signed with other countries and regions.

Singapore also possesses the world's tenth largest foreign reserves. The currency of Singapore is the Singapore dollar, issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. It is interchangeable with the Brunei dollar(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW31E).

The Singaporean economy depends heavily on exports and refining imported goods, especially in manufacturing, which constituted 27.2% of GDP in 2010 and includes significant electronics, petroleum refining, chemicals, mechanical engineering and biomedical sciences sectors. In 2006 Singapore produced about 10% of the world's foundry wafer output(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW31Z). Despite its small size, Singapore has a diversified economy, a strategy that the government considers vital for growth and stability.

Tourism also forms a large part of the economy, and 10.2 million tourists visited the country in 2007. To attract more tourists, in 2005 the government legalised gambling and allowed two casino resorts (called Integrated Resorts) to be developed. Singapore is promoting itself as a medical tourism hub(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW31ZJ): about 200,000 foreigners seek medical care there each year, and Singapore medical services aim to serve one million foreign patients annually by 2012 and generate USD 3 billion in revenue. Singapore is an education hub, and many foreign students study in Singapore. Singapore hosted over 80,000 international students in 2006(AKKU Sony VAIO VGN-FW32Z). There are also more than 5000 Malaysians students who cross the Johor–Singapore Causeway every morning with hopes of receiving a better education in Singapore. In 2009, 20% of all students in Singaporean universities were international students. The students were mainly from ASEAN, China and India(AKKU Sony VAIO PCG-5G2L).

Singapore is a world leader in several economic areas: The country is the world's fourth-leading financial centre, the world's second-biggest casino gambling market, one of the world's top three oil refining centres, the world's largest oil-rig producer, and a major ship-repairer. The port is one of the five busiest ports in the world(AKKU Sony VAIO PCG-5G3L ). The World Bank has praised Singapore as the easiest place in the world to do business and ranks Singapore the world's top logistics hub. The country is also the world's fourth-largest foreign-exchange trading centre after London, New York and Tokyo.

As a result of global recession and a slump in the technology sector, the country's GDP contracted by 2.2% in 2001. The Economic Review Committee was set up in December 2001 and recommended several policy changes to revitalise the economy(Sony VAIO PCG-5J1L Akku). Singapore has since recovered, due largely to improvements in the world economy; the economy grew by 8.3% in 2004, 6.4% in 2005, and 7.9% in 2006. After a contraction of 0.8% in 2009, the economy recovered in 2010 with a GDP growth of 14.5%.Most work in Singapore is in the service sector, which employed 2,151,400 people out of 3,102,500 jobs in December 2010(Sony VAIO PCG-5J2L Akku). The percentage of unemployed economically active people above age 15 is about 2%.

Singapore skyline, dusk

Poverty levels are low in Singapore compared to other countries in the region. The government provides cheap housing (in the form of Housing Development Board flats) and financial assistance to poorer people. Singapore has the world's highest percentage of millionaire households, with 15.5 percent of all households owning at least one million US dollars(Sony VAIO PCG-5K2L Akku). Despite its relative economic success, Singapore does not have a minimum wage, believing that it will lower its competitiveness. The country also has one of the highest income inequality among developed countries, coming in just behind Hong Kong and in front of the United States.

Foreign relations

Main article: Foreign relations of Singapore

Then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Ambassador to the U.S. Chan Heng Chee meet with Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen during Lee's visit in 2000(Sony VAIO PCG-5K1L Akku)

Singapore's foreign policy is directed to maintaining a secure environment in Southeast Asia as well as the territories that surround it. An underlying principle is regional political and economic stability in the region. It has diplomatic relations with 175 other Sovereign states. As one of the five founding members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) (Sony VAIO PCG-6S1L Akku), the country is a strong supporter of the ASEAN Free Trade Area and the ASEAN Investment Area, because Singapore's economic growth is closely linked with the economic progress of the region as a whole. Former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong proposed the formation of an ASEAN Economic Community, a step beyond the current AFTA bringing it closer to a common market. This idea was agreed to in 2007 for implementation in 2015(Sony VAIO PCG-6S2L Akku). Other regional organisations are also important to Singapore, and it is the host of the APEC Secretariat. Singapore also maintains membership in other regional organisations, such as Asia-Europe Meeting, the Forum for East Asia-Latin American Cooperation, and the East Asia Summit. It is also a member of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Commonwealth(Sony VAIO PCG-6W1L Akku).

In general, bilateral relations with other ASEAN members are strong; however, disagreements have arisen, and relations with neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia have historically been difficult. Malaysia has often come into conflict with Singapore over the delivery of fresh water to Singapore, and access to Malaysian airspace for the Singapore Armed Forces, among others(Sony VAIO PCG-6W2L Akku). Border issues exist with both Malaysia and Indonesia, and both have banned the sale of marine sand to Singapore over disputes about Singapore's land reclamation. Some previous disputes have been solved by the International Court of Justice. Piracy in the Malacca Strait has been a cause of concern for all three countries. Close economic ties exist with Brunei, and the two share a pegged currency value(Sony VAIO PCG-6W3L Akku).

Singapore and the United States share a long-standing and strong relationship, in particular in defence, the economy, health and education. The USA is Singapore's third-largest trading partner in 2010; only the People's Republic of China(2nd) and the European Union(1st) are larger. The government of Singapore believes that regional security, and by extension(Sony VAIO PCG-7111L Akku), Singapore's security will be affected if the United States loses its resolve in Iraq. Singapore has pushed regional counter-terrorism initiatives, with a strong resolve to deal with terrorists inside its borders. To this end it has given support to the US-led coalition to fight terrorism, with bilateral cooperation in counter-terrorism and counter-proliferation initiatives, and joint military exercises(Sony VAIO PCG-7112L Akku). Relations with the United States have expanded in other areas, and the two countries share a free trade agreement and take part in joint policy dialogues.

Relations with the People's Republic of China were established in the 1970s, and since then the two countries have enjoyed a strong relationship, being major players in strengthening the ASEAN-China relationship.


Main article: Singapore Armed Forces

CARAT SINGAPORE 2010, Republic of Singapore Navy's RSS Steadfast and RSS Vigilance sailing line-abreast(Sony VAIO PCG-7113L Akku).

The Singaporean military is, it can be argued, the most technologically advanced in Southeast Asia. It comprises the Army, Navy, and Air Force. It is seen as the guarantor of the country's independence. The nation's philosophy of defence is one of diplomacy and deterrence. This principle translates into the culture, involving all citizens in the country's defence(Sony VAIO PCG-7131L Akku). The government spends 4.9% of the country's GDP on the military and one out of every four dollars of government spending is being spent on defence.

At the time of independence, Singapore had two infantry regiments commanded by British officers. This force was considered too small to provide effective security to the new country and so the development of the military became a priority. Britain pulled its military out of Singapore in October 1971, leaving behind only a small British, Australian and New Zealand force as a token foreign military presence(Sony VAIO PCG-7132L Akku). The last British soldier left Singapore in March 1976. New Zealand troops were the last to leave in 1989.

The Singaporean army was initially established with help from Britain and Israel, a country that is not recognised by neighbouring Islamic Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. The main fear after independence was an invasion by Malaysia and/or Indonesia. Israel Defense Forces commanders were tasked with creating the Singapore Armed Forces from scratch and Israeli instructors were brought in to train Singaporean soldiers(Sony VAIO PCG-7133L Akku). Military courses were conducted according to the Israel Defense Forces' format and Singapore adopted the Israel Defense Forces' model of conscription and reserve service, which remains till this day. Today, Singapore still maintains strong security ties with Israel and is one of the biggest buyers of Israeli arms and weapons systems(Sony VAIO PCG-7z1L Akku). The MATADOR is one example of recent Singapore-Israeli collaboration.

The SAF is being developed to respond to a wide range of issues, in both conventional and unconventional warfare. The Defence Science and Technology Agency is responsible for procuring resources for the military. The geographic restrictions of Singapore mean that the SAF must plan to fully repulse an attack, as they can not fall back and re-group(Sony VAIO PCG-7z1L Akku). The small population has also affected the way the SAF has been designed, with a small active force but a large number of reserves.

Republic of Singapore Air Force's F-15SG Strike Eagle (Peace Carvin V) training detachment at Mountain Home Air Force Base.

Singapore has a draft that extends to all able-bodied males at the age of 18, except to those with a criminal record or ability to prove that their loss would bring hardships to their families(Sony VAIO PCG-8Y1L Akku). In addition, males who have yet to complete pre-university education or are awarded the Public Service Commission scholarship can opt to defer their draft. Though not required to perform military service, the number of women in the Singapore Armed Forces has been increasing, with women allowed since 1989 to fill military vocations formerly reserved for men(Sony VAIO PCG-8Y2L Akku). Before induction into a specific branch of the armed forces, recruits undergo at least 9 weeks of basic military training.

Because of the scarcity of open land on the main island, training involving activities such as live firing and amphibious landings is often carried out on smaller islands, typically barred to civilian access. This also avoids risk to the main island and the city(Sony VAIO PCG-8Z1L Akku). However, large-scale drills are considered too dangerous to be performed in the area, and since 1975 have been performed in Taiwan. Training is also held in about a dozen other countries. In general, military exercises are held with foreign forces once or twice per week.

Due to airspace and land constraints, the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) maintains a number of overseas bases in Australia, the United States, and France(Sony VAIO PCG-8Z2L Akku). The RSAF's 130 Squadron is based in RAAF Base Pearce, Western Australia and its 126 Squadron is based in the Oakey Army Aviation Centre, Queensland. The RSAF has one squadron - the 150 Squadron - based in Cazaux Air Base, Southern France. The RSAF also has a few overseas detachments in the United States, namely in San Diego, Marana, Arizona, Grand Prairie, Texas and Luke Air Force Base among others(Akku Sony VGN-NR11M/S).

The SAF has sent forces to assist in operations outside the country in areas such as Iraq and Afghanistan, in both military and non-military roles. In the region, it has helped stabilise East Timor and provided aid to Aceh in Indonesia following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami(Akku Sony VGN-NR11S/S). The SAF has also helped in relief efforts during Hurricane Katrina. Singapore is part of the Five Power Defence Arrangements, a military alliance with Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.


Main article: Demographics of Singapore

As of 2011, the resident population of Singapore is 5.18 million people, of whom 3.25 million (63%) are Singaporean citizens while the rest (37%) are permanent residents or foreign workers(Akku Sony VGN-NR11Z/S). 23% of Singaporean citizens were born outside Singapore i.e. foreign born citizens. There are half a million permanent residents in Singapore in 2011. The resident population does not take into account the 11 million transient visitors who visit Singapore annually.

The median age of Singaporeans is 37 years old and the average household size is 3.5 persons. Due to scarcity of land, four out of five Singaporeans live in subsidised, high-rise, public housing apartments known as HDB flats(Akku Sony VGN-NR11Z/T). In 2010, three quarters of Singaporean residents live in properties that are equal to or larger than a four room HDB flat or in private housing. House ownership rate is at 87.2%. Mobile phone penetration rate is extremely high at 1,400 mobile phone subscribers per 1000 people. Around 1 in 10 residents owns a car(Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11E Battery).

In 2010, the total fertility rate was 1.1 children per woman, the third-lowest in the world and well below the 2.1 needed to replace the population. To overcome this problem, the Singapore government has been encouraging foreigners to immigrate to Singapore for the past few decades. The large number of immigrants has kept Singapore's population from declining(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11L). Singapore traditionally has one of the lowest unemployment rate among developed countries. Singaporean unemployment rate has not exceeded 4% in the past decade, hitting a high of 3% during the 2009 global financial criss and falling to 1.9% in 2011.

About 40 percent of Singapore's residents are foreigners, one of the highest percentage in the world. The government is considering capping these workers, although it is recognised that they play a large role in the country's economy(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11M). Foreign workers make up 80% of the construction industry and up to 50% in the service industry.

In 2009, the government census reports that 74.2% of residents were of Chinese, 13.4% of Malay, and 9.2% of Indian descent, while Eurasians and other groups form 3.2%. Prior to 2010, each person could register as a member of only one race, by default that of his or her father, therefore, mixed-race persons were solely grouped under their father's race in government censuses(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11S). From 2010 onward, people may register using a "double-barrelled" classification, in which they may choose one primary race and one secondary race, but no more than two.


Buddhism is the most widely practised religion in Singapore, with 33% of the resident population declaring themselves adherents at the most recent census. The next largest religions, in order of size, are Christianity, Islam, Taoism and Hinduism(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11Z). The proportion of Christians, Taoists and non-religious people increased between 2000 and 2010 by about 3% each, while the proportion of Buddhists decreased. Other faiths remained largely stable in their share of the population.

There are monasteries and Dharma centres from all three major traditions of Buddhism in Singapore: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ130E/B). Most Buddhists in Singapore are Chinese and are of the Mahayana tradition. Chinese Mahayana is the most predominant form of Buddhism in Singapore, with missionaries from Taiwan and China for several decades. However, Thailand's Theravada Buddhism has seen growing popularity among the people (not only the Chinese) in the past decade(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ140E). Soka Gakkai International, a Japanese Buddhist organisation, is practised by many people in Singapore, but by mostly those of Chinese descent. Tibetan Buddhism has also made slow inroads into the country in recent years.

Singapore has four official languages: English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. English is the first language of the nation and is the language of business(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ21E), government and medium of instruction in schools. The Singapore constitution and all laws are written in English. 80% of Singaporeans are literate in English as either their first or second language. Chinese Mandarin is the next commonly spoken, followed by Malay and Tamil. Singaporean English is based on British English, and forms of English spoken range from Standard English to a pidgin known as Singlish(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ21J). Singlish is heavily discouraged by the government. According to the 2010 official census, nearly one in three Singaporeans speaks English as their home language.

Chinese is the most common home language, used by about half of all Singaporeans. Singaporean Mandarin is the most common version of Chinese in the country,[150] with 1.2 million using it as their home language(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ21M). Nearly half a million speak other Chinese languages (which the government describes as "dialects"), mainly Hokkien, Teochew, and Cantonese, as their home language, although the use of these is declining in favour of Mandarin and English.

Malay is the "national language", a ceremonial rather than functional designation to reflect the country's history. It is used in the national anthem "Majulah Singapura" and in military commands(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ21S). Today, in general Malay is spoken within the Singaporean Malay community, with only 16.8% of Singaporeans literate in Malay and only 12% using it as their home language. Public bodies in Singapore conduct their businesses in English, and official documents written in a non-English official language such as Chinese, Malay or Tamil typically have to be translated into English to be accepted for submission(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ21Z). Translators are also required if one wishes to address the Singaporean Courts in a language other than English.

Around 100,000 or 3% of Singaporeans speak Tamil as their home language. Even though only Tamil has official status, there have been no attempts to discourage the use or spread of other Indian languages.


Main article: Education in Singapore

The Administrative Building of Nanyang Technological University, one of five public universities in Singapore(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ38M)

Education for primary, secondary, and tertiary levels is mostly supported by the state. All institutions, private and public, must be registered with the Ministry of Education. English is the language of instruction in all public schools and all subjects are taught and examined in English except for the "Mother Tongue" language paper. While "Mother Tongue" in general refers to the first language internationally(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ31E); in Singapore's education system, it is used to refer to the second language, as English is the first language. Students who have been abroad for a while or who struggle with their "Mother Tongue" language are allowed to take a simpler syllabus or drop the subject.

Education takes place in three stages: "Primary education", "Secondary education", and "Pre-university education", of which only the Primary level is compulsory(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ31J). Students begin with six years of primary school, which is made up of a four-year foundation course and a two-year orientation stage. The curriculum is focused on the development of English, the mother tongue, and maths. There are four standard subjects taught to all students: English, the mother tongue, mathematics, and science(Akku Sony VAIO VGN-FZ31M). Secondary school lasts from four to five years, and is divided between "Special", "Express", "Normal (Academic)", and "Normal (Technical)" streams within each school, depending on a student's ability level. The basic coursework breakdown is the same as in the primary level, although classes are much more specialised. Pre-university education takes place over two to three years at senior schools mostly called Junior Colleges(Dell N3010 battery). Some schools have a degree of freedom in their curriculum, and are known as autonomous schools. These exist from the secondary education level.

Educational attainment of non-student Singaporeans aged above 15yo in 2005

Highest qualification

No education

National examinations are standardised across all schools, with a test taken after each stage of school. After the first six years of education, students take the Primary School Leaving Examination, which determines their placement at secondary school. At the end of the secondary stage, GCE 'O' Level exams are taken(Dell Inspiron N4010 battery); at the end of the following pre-university stage, the GCE 'A' Level exams are taken. Of all non-student Singaporeans aged 15 and above, 18% have no educational qualifications at all while 45% have the Primary School Leaving Examination as their highest qualification. 15% have the GCE 'O' Level as their highest qualification and 13% have a degree(Dell INSPIRON 1100 battery).

Singaporean students consistently rank top five in the world in the two major international assessments of mathematics and science knowledge. Singaporean students were ranked first in the latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement and have been ranked top three every year since 1995(Dell Inspiron 1200 battery). Singaporean students were also ranked top five in the world in terms of mathematics, science and reading in the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment conducted by the OECD. The country's two main public universities - the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University - are among the top 100 universities in the world(Dell Inspiron 1420 battery).


Main article: Healthcare in Singapore

Singapore has a generally efficient healthcare system, even with a health expenditure relatively low for developed countries. The World Health Organization ranks Singapore's healthcare system as 6th overall in the world in its World Health Report. In general, Singapore has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world for the past two decades(Dell Inspiron 1464 battery). Life expectancy in Singapore is 79 for males and 83 for females, placing the country 15th in the world for life expectancy. Almost the whole population has access to improved water and sanitation facilities. There are fewer than 10 annual deaths from HIV per 100,000 people. There is a high level of immunisation. Adult obesity is below 10%(Dell Inspiron 1564 battery).

The government's healthcare system is based upon the "3M" framework. This has three components: Medifund, which provides a safety net for those not able to otherwise afford healthcare, Medisave, a compulsory health savings scheme covering about 85% of the population, and Medishield, a government-funded health insurance scheme(Dell Inspiron 1764 battery). Public hospitals in Singapore have autonomy in their management decisions, and compete for patients. A subsidy scheme exists for those on low income. In 2008, 31.9% of healthcare was funded by the government. It accounts for approximately 3.5% of Singapore's GDP.


Main article: Culture of Singapore

Singapore is a very diverse and young country. It has many languages, cultures and religions for a country its size. Due to the many different languages and cultures in the country, there is no single set of culturally acceptable behaviours(Dell Inspiron 1520 battery).

When Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963, most of the newly minted Singaporean citizens were uneducated labourers from China, Malaysia and India. Many of them were transient labourers who were seeking to make some money in Singapore and they had no intentions of staying for good(Dell Inspiron 1521 battery). A sizeable minority of middle-class, local-born people, known as the Peranakans also existed. With the exception of the Peranakans who pledged their loyalties to Singapore, most of the labourers' loyalties lie with their respective homelands of China, Malaysia and India. For instance, the Chinese wore pigtails to signify their loyalty to the Chinese emperor and remitted money to China.After independence(Dell inspiron 1525 battery), the process of crafting a Singaporean identity and culture began. Both ex Prime Ministers of Singapore -- Lee Kuan Yew (who was Prime Minister for over 30 years) and Goh Chok Tong -- have stated that Singapore does not fit the traditional description of a nation, calling it a society in transition, pointing out the fact that Singaporeans do not all speak the same language, share the same religion or have the same customs(Dell inspiron 1526 battery).Even though English is the first language of the nation, according to the government's 2010 census, 20% of Singaporeans, or one in five, are illiterate in English. This is a marked improvement from 1990 where 40% of Singaporeans were illiterate in English.

Unlike many other countries, languages, religions and cultures among Singaporeans are not delineated according to skin colour or ancestry. Among Singaporean Chinese, one in five is Christian, another one in five is atheist, and the rest are mostly Buddhists or Taoists(Dell Inspiron 1720 battery). One-third speak English as their home language, while half speak Mandarin Chinese as their home language. The rest speak other mutually unintelligible Chinese languages at home. Singaporean Indians are a much more religious bunch. Only 1% of them are atheists. Six in ten are Hindus, two in ten are Muslims, and the rest are mostly Christians(Dell Inspiron 2000 battery). Four in ten speak English as their home language, three in ten speak Tamil, one in ten speaks Malay, and the rest speak other Indian languages as their home language. Each Singaporean's behaviours and attitudes would therefore be influenced by, among many other things, his or her home language and his religion(Dell INSPIRON 2600 battery). Singaporeans who speak English as their native language tend to lean toward Western Culture. While those who speak Chinese languages as their native language tend to lean toward Chinese culture and Confucianism. Malay-speaking Singaporeans tend to lean toward Malay culture, which itself is closely linked to Islamic culture. Those who speak Indian languages as their native language would probably lean toward Indian culture(Dell Latitude D400 battery).

Singapore, as a country, in general is conservative socially, but some liberalisation has occurred. At the national level, meritocracy, where one is judged based on one's ability, is heavily emphasised. Racial and religious harmony is regarded by the government as a crucial part of Singapore's success and played a part in building a Singaporean identity(Dell STUDIO 1450 battery). Singapore has a reputation as a nanny state. The national flower of Singapore is the Vanda Miss Joaquim. Many national symbols such as the National Coat of Arms and the Lion Head symbol make use of the lion, as Singapore is known as the 'Lion City'. Public holidays in Singapore cover major Chinese, Western, Malay and Indian festivals(Dell Vostro 1400 battery).

Due to scarcity of land, four out of five Singaporeans live in subsidised, high-rise, public housing apartments known as HDB flats. Singaporeans generally take off their shoes before entering their homes. Live-in domestic helpers are quite common in Singapore and there are nearly 200,000 domestic helpers there. As with most Commonwealth countries, vehicles on the road and people walking on the streets keep to the left(Dell Vostro 1500 battery). Unlike some Western countries and ASEAN countries in the Golden Triangle, Singapore does not have a culture of recreational drug use. The country has strict laws against drug use and has one of the lowest rates of drug use in the world. Singaporean employees work an average of around 45 hours weekly, which is relatively long compared to many other nations. Three in four Singaporean employees surveyed stated that they take pride in doing their work well, and that doing so helps their self-confidence(Dell XPS M1210 battery).

Foreigners also make up 42% of the population and have a strong influence on Singaporean culture. A.T. Kearney named Singapore the most globalised country in the world in 2006 in its Globalization Index. The Economist Intelligence Unit in its "Quality-of-Life Index" ranks Singapore as having the best quality of life in Asia and eleventh overall in the world(Dell XPS M1330 battery).


Main article: Singaporean cuisine

Dining, along with shopping, is said to be the country's national pastime. The diversity of food is touted as a reason to visit the country, and the variety of food representing different ethnicities is seen by the government as a symbol of its multiculturalism. The "national fruit" of Singapore is the Durian In popular culture, food items belong to a particular ethnicity, with Chinese, Indian, and Malay food clearly defined(Dell XPS 1340 battery). The diversity of cuisine has been increased further by the "hybridization" of different styles, e.g. the Peranakan style, a mix of Chinese and Malay cuisine.


The durian-shaped Esplanade, performing arts centre, stands out in front of the Marina Square area.

Since the 1990s, the government has been promoting Singapore as a centre for arts and culture, in particular the performing arts, and to transform the country into a cosmopolitan 'gateway between the East and West'(Dell XPS M1530 battery). One highlight was the construction of Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, a performing arts centre opened in October 2002. The national orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, plays at the Esplanade. The annual Singapore Arts Festival is organised by the National Arts Council. The stand-up comedy scene has been growing, with a weekly open mic. Singapore hosted the 2009 Genee International Ballet Competition(Dell XPS M170 battery), a classical ballet competition promoted by London's Royal Academy of Dance.

Sport and recreation

Main article: Sport in Singapore

National Stadium of Singapore

Popular sports include football, basketball, cricket, swimming, sailing, table tennis and badminton. Most Singaporeans live in public residential areas near amenities such as public swimming pools, outdoor basketball courts and indoor sport complexes. Water sports are popular, including sailing, kayaking and water skiing. Scuba diving is another popular recreational sport(Dell XPS M1710 battery). The Southern island of Pulau Hantu, particularly, is known for its rich coral reefs.

Singapore's football (soccer) league, the S-League, formed in 1994, currently comprises 12 clubs including foreign teams. The Singapore Slingers, formerly in the Australian National Basketball League, is one of the inaugural teams in the ASEAN Basketball League, founded in October 2009. Singapore began hosting a round of the Formula One World Championship, the Singapore Grand Prix, in 2008(Dell XPS M1730 battery). The race was staged at the Marina Bay Street Circuit and became the first night race on the F1 circuit and the first street circuit in Asia. Singapore won the bid to host the inaugural 2010 Summer Youth Olympics.


Main article: Media of Singapore

Companies linked to the government control much of the domestic media in Singapore. MediaCorp operates most free-to-air television channels and free-to-air radio stations in Singapore. There are a total of seven free-to-air TV channels offered by Mediacorp(Dell XPS M2010 battery). The channels are Channel 5 (English channel), Channel News Asia (English channel), Okto (English channel)), Channel 8 (Chinese channel), Channel U (Chinese channel), Suria (Malay channel) and Vasantham (Indian channel). Starhub Cable Vision (SCV) also offers cable television with channels from all around the world and Singtel's MioTV provides an IPTV service(Dell Latitude E5400 battery). Singapore Press Holdings, a body with close links to the government, controls most of the newspaper industry.

Singapore's media industry has sometimes been criticised for being too regulated and lacking in freedom by human rights groups such as Freedom House. In 2010, Reporters Without Borders, a France-based international non-governmental organisation, ranked Singapore 136 out of 178 in its Press Freedom Index, just below Mexico(Dell Latitude E5500 battery).

The Media Development Authority regulates Singaporean media, claiming to balance the demand for choice and protection against offensive and harmful material. Private ownership of TV satellite dishes is banned. There are 3.4 million users of the internet in Singapore, one of the highest internet penetration rates in the world(Dell Latitude E6400 battery). The Singapore government does not engage in widespread censoring of the internet, but it maintains a list of one hundred websites (mostly pornographic) that it blocks as a 'symbolic statement of the Singaporean community's stand on harmful and undesirable content on the Internet' As the block only covers only home Internet access, users can still visit the blocked websites from their office computers(Dell Latitude E6500 battery).


Main article: Transport in Singapore

The Port of Singapore with Sentosa island in the background

Singapore is a small island with limited land and a large population, therefore, there is a need to restrict the number of private cars on the road. Car buyers must pay for duties one-and-a-half times the vehicle’s market value and bid for a Singaporean Certificate of Entitlement (COE), which allows the car to run on the road for a decade(Dell Inspiron Mini 12 battery). The cost of the Singaporean certificate of entitlement alone would often allow one to buy a Porsche Boxster in the United States of America. Car prices are generally significantly higher in Singapore when compared to other English-speaking countries and only 1 in 10 residents own a car.

Electronic Road Pricing gantry at North Bridge Road

Most Singaporean residents travel by foot, bicycles, bus, taxis and by train (Mass Rapid Transit) (Dell XPS M140 battery). Two companies run the public bus transport system -- SBS Transit and SMRT Corporation. SMRT also runs the public train system. There are almost a dozen taxi companies in Singapore who together put out 25,000 taxis on the road. Taxis are a popular form of public transport as the fares are relatively cheap compared to many other developed countries(Dell XPS 13 battery).

Singapore has a road system covering 3,356 kilometres (2,085 mi), which includes 161 kilometres (100 mi) of expressways. The Singapore Area Licensing Scheme, implemented in 1975, became the world's first congestion pricing scheme, and included other complementary measures such as stringent car ownership quotas and improvements in mass transit. The system was upgraded in 1998 and renamed Electronic Road Pricing(Dell XPS 16 battery). The ERP introduced electronic toll collection, electronic detection, and video surveillance technology.

Singapore is a major international transportation hub in Asia, positioned on many sea and air trade routes. The Port of Singapore, managed by port operators PSA International and Jurong Port, was the world's second-busiest port in 2005 in terms of shipping tonnage handled, at 1.15 billion gross tons, and in terms of containerised traffic(Dell XPS 1640 battery), at 23.2 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). It is also the world's second-busiest in terms of cargo tonnage, coming behind Shanghai with 423 million tons handled. In addition, the port is the world's busiest for transshipment traffic and the world's biggest ship refuelling centre(Dell XPS 1645 battery).

Singapore is an aviation hub for the Southeast Asian region and a stopover on the Kangaroo route between Sydney and London. There are 8 total airports in the country, and Singapore Changi Airport hosts a network of 80 airlines connecting Singapore to 200 cities in 68 countries. It has been rated one of the best international airports by international travel magazines(Dell XPS 1647 battery), including being rated as the world's best airport for the first time in 2006 by Skytrax. The national airline is Singapore Airlines.

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