Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Elephants are large land mammals in two extant genera of the family Elephantidae: Elephas and Loxodonta, with the third genus Mammuthus extinct. Three living species of elephant are recognized: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Indian or Asian elephantSony VAIO PCG-8131M battery; although some group the two African species into one and some researchers also postulate the existence of a fourth species in West Africa. All other species and genera of Elephantidae are extinct. Most have been extinct since the last ice age, although dwarf forms of mammoths might have survived as late as 2,000 BCE. Elephants and other Elephantidae were once classified with other thick-skinned animals in a now invalid order, PachydermataSony VAIO PCG-8152M battery. Elephants are the largest living land animals on Earth today. The elephant's gestation period is 22 months, the longest of any land animal. At birth, an elephant calf typically weighs 105 kilograms (230 lb). They typically live for 50 to 70 years, but the oldest recorded elephant lived for 82 years. The largest elephant ever recorded was shot in Angola in 1955Sony VAIO PCG-31311M battery. This male weighed about 10,900 kg (24,000 lb), with a shoulder height of 3.96 metres (13.0 ft), 1 metre (3.3 ft) taller than the average male African elephant. The smallest elephants, about the size of a calf or a large pig, were a prehistoric species that lived on the island of Crete during the Pleistocene epochSony VAIO PCG-31111M battery. Elephants are a symbol of wisdom in Asian cultures and are famed for their memory and intelligence; their intelligence level is thought to be comparable to that of dolphins and primates. Aristotle once said the elephant was "the beast which passeth all others in wit and mind." The word "elephant" has its origins in the Greek ἐλέφας, meaning "ivory" or "elephant"Sony VAIO PCG-8112M battery. Healthy adult elephants have no natural predators, although lions may take calves or weak individuals. They are, however, threatened by human intrusion and poaching. Etymology Olifant and its variations (ex. oliphant, olyphant) are archaic spellings of elephant. Aside from elephants, the word has been used to refer to ivory, elephant tusks, musical horns made of elephant tusks, or a musical instrument resembling such hornsSony VAIO PCG-7186M battery. It appears in Middle English as olifant or olifaunt, and was borrowed from Medieval French olifanz. The French word owes something to both Old High German olbenta "camel", and to Latin elephantus "elephant", a word of Greek origin. OHG olbenta is a word of old Germanic origin; cf. Gothic ulbandus also meaning "camel". But the form of the OHG and Gothic words suggests it is also a borrowingSony VAIO PCG-7171M battery, perhaps indeed directly or indirectly from Greek "ἐλέφας" (elephas), which in Homer only meant "ivory", but from Herodotus on the word also referred to the animal. The earliest attested form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek e-re-pa-to, written in Linear B syllabic script. Taxonomy and evolution The African elephant genus contains two living species; whereas the Asian elephant species is the only surviving member of the Asian elephant genusSony VAIO PCG-9Z1M battery, but can be divided into four subspecies. The African and the Asian elephants diverged from a common ancestor some 7.6 million years ago. African elephant Main articles: African elephant, African bush elephant, and African forest elephant Elephant crossing a river, Kenya. African bush (savanna) elephant in Etosha National Park, Namibia. Video of elephants in the wild The elephants of the genus Loxodonta, known collectively as African elephants, are currently found in 37 countries in Africa. African elephants are distinguished from Asian elephants in several ways, the most noticeable being their much larger earsSony VAIO PCG-5S1M battery. Also, the African elephant is typically larger than the Asian elephant and has a concave back. In Asian elephants, only males have tusks, but both males and females of African elephants have tusks and are usually less hairy than their Asian cousins. African elephants have traditionally been classified as a single species comprising two distinct subspecies, namely the savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) Sony VAIO PCG-5P1M battery, but recent DNA analysis suggests that these may actually constitute distinct species. This split is not universally accepted by experts. A third species of African elephant has also been proposed. The authors of an analysis of nuclear DNA extracted from "African savanna elephant, African forest elephant, Asian elephant, the extinct American mastodon, and the woolly mammoth" concluded in 2010 that African savanna and forest elephants are indeed separate speciesSony VAIO PCG-5N2M battery: We unequivocally establish that the Asian elephant is the sister species to the woolly mammoth. A surprising finding from our study is that the divergence of African savanna and forest elephants—which some have argued to be two populations of the same species—is about as ancient as the divergence of Asian elephants and mammothsSony VAIO PCG-3C2M battery. Given their ancient divergence, we conclude that African savanna and forest elephants should be classified as two distinct species. This reclassification has implications for conservation. If there are two separate species, each will be less abundant (particularly the rarer) and could be more endangered than a more numerous and wide-ranging single species. There is also a potential danger that if the forest elephant is not explicitly listed as an endangered speciesSony VAIO PCG-8161M battery, poachers and smugglers might be able to evade the law forbidding trade in endangered animals and their products. The forest elephant and the savanna elephant can hybridize (interbreed), though their preferences for different terrains reduce such opportunities. As the African elephant has only recently been recognized to comprise two separate species, groups of captive elephants have not been comprehensively classified and some could well be hybridsSony VAIO PCG-8141M battery. Under the new two species classification, Loxodonta africana refers specifically to the savanna elephant, the largest of all elephants. It is the largest land animal, with males standing 3.2 metres (10 ft) to 4 metres (13 ft) at the shoulder and weighing 3,500 kilograms (7,700 lb) up to a reported 12,000 kilograms (26,000 lb). The female is smaller, standing about 3 metres (9.8 ft) at the shoulder. Sony VAIO PCG-3J1M battery Most often, savanna elephants are found in open grasslands, marshes, and lakeshores. They range over much of the savanna zone south of the Sahara. The other putative species, the forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), is usually smaller and rounder, and its tusks thinner and straighter compared with the savanna elephant. The forest elephant can weigh up to 4,500 kilograms (9,900 lb) and stand about 3 metres (10 ft) tall. Much less is known about these animals than their savanna cousinsSony VAIO PCG-3H1M battery, because environmental and political obstacles make them difficult to study. Normally, they inhabit the dense African rain forests of central and western Africa, although occasionally they roam the edges of forests, thus overlapping the savanna elephant home ranges and hybridizing. In 1979, Iain Douglas-Hamilton estimated the continental population of African elephants at around 1.3 million animals. Sony VAIO PCG-3F1M battery This estimate is controversial and is believed to be a gross overestimate,[34] but it is very widely cited and has become a de facto baseline that continues to be incorrectly used to quantify downward population trends in the species. Through the 1980s, Loxodonta received worldwide attention due to the dwindling numbers of major populations in East Africa, largely as a result of poachingSony VAIO PCG-3C1M battery. According to IUCN’s African Elephant Status Report 2007,[35] there are between 470,000 and 690,000 African elephants in the wild. Although this estimate only covers about half of the total elephant range, experts do not believe the true figure to be much higher, as it is unlikely that large populations remain to be discovered.[36] By far, the largest populations are now found in southern and eastern AfricaSony VAIO PCG-9Z2L battery, which together account for the majority of the continental population. According to a recent analysis by IUCN experts, most major populations in eastern and southern Africa are stable or have been steadily increasing since the mid-1990s, at an average rate of 4.5% per year.[36][37] Elephant populations in West Africa, on the other hand, are generally small and fragmented, and only account for a small proportion of the continental total. Sony VAIO PCG-9Z1L battery Much uncertainty remains as to the size of the elephant population in central Africa, where the prevalence of forest makes population surveys difficult, but poaching for ivory and bushmeat is believed to be intense through much of the region.[39] South African elephant population more than doubled, rising from 8,000 to over 20,000Sony VAIO PCG-9131L battery, in the thirteen years after a 1995 ban on the trade in elephant ivory.[40] The ban on the ivory trade in southern Africa (but not elsewhere) was lifted in February 2008, sparking controversy among environmental groups.[citation needed] Asian elephant Main article: Asian elephant The Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, is smaller than the African. It has smaller ears, and typically, only the males have large external tusksSony VAIO PCG-8161L battery. The world population of Asian elephants—also called Indian elephants—is estimated to be around 60,000, about a tenth of the number of African elephants. More precisely, it is estimated that there are between 38,000 and 53,000 wild elephants and between 14,500 and 15,300 domesticated elephants in Asia, with perhaps another 1,000 scattered around zoos in the rest of the world. Sony VAIO PCG-8152L battery The Asian elephants' decline has possibly been more gradual than the African and caused primarily by poaching and habitat destruction by human encroachment. A decorated Indian elephant in Jaipur, India. Elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka Several subspecies of Elephas maximus have been identified, using morphometric data and molecular markers. Elephas maximus maximus (Sri Lankan elephant) is found only on the island of Sri Lanka. It is the largest of the AsiansSony VAIO PCG-8141L battery. There are an estimated 3,000–4,500 members of this subspecies left today in the wild, although no accurate census has been carried out recently. Large males can weigh upward to 5,400 kg (12,000 lb) and stand over 3.4 m (11 ft) tall. Sri Lankan males have very large cranial bulges, and both sexes have more areas of depigmentation than other Asians. Typically, their ears, face, trunk, and belly have large concentrations of pink-speckled skinSony VAIO PCG-8131L battery. There is an orphanage for elephants in Pinnawala, Sri Lanka, which plays a large role in protecting the Sri Lankan elephant from extinction. Elephas maximus indicus (Indian elephant) makes up the bulk of the Asian elephant population. Numbering approximately 36,000, these elephants are lighter grey in colour, with depigmentation only on the ears and trunkSony VAIO PCG-81312L battery. Large males will ordinarily weigh only about 5,000 kg (11,000 lb), but are as tall as the Sri Lankan. The mainland Asian can be found in 11 Asian countries, from India to Indonesia. They prefer forested areas and transitional zones, between forests and grasslands, where greater food variety is available. The Sumatran elephant, Elephas maximus sumatranus, found only on SumatraSony VAIO PCG-81214L battery, is smaller than the Indian elephant. Population estimates for this group range from 2,100 to 3,000 individuals. It is very light grey in colour and has less depigmentation than the other Asians, with pink spots only on the ears. Mature Sumatrans will usually only measure 1.7–2.6 m (5.6–8.5 ft) at the shoulder and weigh less than 3,000 kg (6,600 lb). It is considerably smaller than its other Asian (and African) cousins and exists only on the island of Sumatra, usually in forested regions and partially wooded habitatsSony VAIO PCG-81115L battery. In 2003, a further subspecies was identified on Borneo. Named the Borneo pygmy elephant, it is smaller and tamer than any other Asian elephants. It also has relatively larger ears, longer tail and straighter tusks. Physical characteristics This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2010) TrunkSony VAIO PCG-81114L battery The elephant raises its trunk as a sign of warning or to smell enemies or friends Articulation of elephant trunk. An elephant can use its trunk for a variety of purposes. This one is wiping its eye. Eye of an Asian elephant. The proboscis, or trunk, is a fusion of the nose and upper lip,[42] elongated and specialized to become the elephant's most important and versatile appendage. African elephants are equipped with two fingerlike projections at the tip of their trunk, while Asians have only oneSony VAIO PCG-81114L battery. The elephant's trunk is sensitive enough to pick up a single blade of grass, yet strong enough to rip the branches off a tree. Most herbivores (plant eaters, like the elephant) possess teeth adapted for cutting and tearing off plant materials. However, except for the very young or infirm, elephants always use their trunks to tear up their food and then place it in their mouths. They will graze on grass or reach up into trees to grasp leaves, fruit, or entire branchesSony VAIO PCG-81113L battery. If the desired food item is too high up, the elephant will wrap its trunk around the tree or branch and shake its food loose or sometimes simply knock the tree down altogether. The trunk is also used for drinking. Elephants suck water up into the trunk—up to 14 litres (15 quarts) at a time—and then blow it into their mouths. Elephants also suck up water to spray on their bodies during bathingSony VAIO PCG-7142L battery. On top of this watery coating, the animals will then spray dirt and mud, which dries and acts as a protective sunscreen. When swimming, the trunk makes an excellent snorkel. This appendage also plays a key role in many social interactions. Familiar elephants will greet each other by entwining their trunks, much like a handshake. They also use them while play-wrestlingSony VAIO PCG-7141L battery, caressing during courtship and mother-child interactions, and for dominance displays; a raised trunk can be a warning or threat, while a lowered trunk can be a sign of submission. Elephants can defend themselves very well by flailing their trunks at unwanted intruders or by grasping and flinging them. An elephant also relies on its trunk for its highly developed sense of smellSony VAIO PCG-71111L battery. By raising the trunk up in the air and swiveling it from side to side, like a periscope, it can determine the location of friends, enemies, and food sources. The complete trunk can have up to 150,000 separate muscle fascicles, giving it strength and flexibility.[45] Some elephants have been afflicted by floppy trunk syndromeSony VAIO PCG-61411L battery. Tusks Tusks of African and Asian elephants. The tusks of an elephant are its second upper incisors. Tusks grow continuously; an adult male's tusks grow about 18 cm (7 in) a year. Tusks are used to dig for water, salt, and roots; to debark trees to eat the bark; to dig into baobab trees to get at the pulp inside; and to move trees and branches when clearing a pathSony VAIO PCG-61112L battery. In addition, they are used for marking trees to establish territory, and occasionally as weapons. [46] Like humans who are typically right- or left-handed, elephants are usually right- or left-tusked. The dominant tusk, called the master tusk, is generally shorter and more rounded at the tip from wear. [47] Both male and female African elephants have large tusks that can reach over 3 m (10 ft) in length and weigh over 90 kg (200 lb) Sony VAIO PCG-61111L battery. In the Asian species, only the males have large tusks. Female Asians have tusks which are very small or absent altogether. Asian males can have tusks as long as the much larger Africans, but they are usually much slimmer and lighter; the heaviest recorded is 39 kg (86 lb). The tusk of both species is mostly made of calcium phosphate in the form of apatiteSony VAIO PCG-5T4L battery. As a piece of living tissue, it is relatively soft (compared with other minerals such as rock), and the tusk, also known as ivory, is strongly favoured by artists for its carvability. The desire for elephant ivory has been one of the major factors in the reduction of the world's elephant population. Some extinct relatives of elephants had tusks in their lower jaws in addition to their upper jaws, such as Gomphotherium, or only in their lower jaws, such as Deinotherium. Sony VAIO PCG-5T3L battery Teeth Elephants' teeth are very different from those of most other mammals. Over their lives they usually have 28 teeth. These are: The two upper second incisors: these are the tusks. The milk precursors of the tusks. 12 premolars, 3 in each side of each jaw. 12 molars, 3 in each side of each jaw. Replica of an Asian elephant's molar, showing upper side. This gives elephants a dental formula of: Unlike most mammals, which grow baby teeth and then replace them with a single permanent set of adult teeth, elephants have cycles of tooth rotation throughout their entire lives. The tusks have milk precursors, which fall out quickly and the adult tusks are in place by one year of age, but the chewing teeth are replaced five[53] or, very rarelySony VAIO PCG-5T2L battery, six[54] times in an elephant's lifetime. Only four chewing teeth (premolars and/or molars), one on each side of each jaw, are in primary use at any given time (or two, as one replaces the other at each location). Adult teeth do not replace milk teeth by emerging from the jaws vertically as human teeth do. Instead, new teeth grow in at the back of the mouth, pushing older teeth toward the frontSony VAIO PCG-5S3L battery, where the latter break off in pieces until they are gone. In African elephants, the first two sets of chewing teeth (premolars) are in place when an elephant is born. The first chewing tooth on each side in each jaw falls out when the elephant is about two years old. The second set of chewing teeth falls out when the elephant is about six years old. The third set is lost at 13 to 15 years of ageSony VAIO PCG-5S2L battery, and set four lasts to approximately 28 years of age. The fifth set of chewing teeth (molars) lasts until the elephant is in its early 40s. The sixth (and usually final) set must last the elephant the rest of its life. If an elephant lives to more than 60 years of age, the last set of molars is worn to stumps, and it can no longer feed properlySony VAIO PCG-5S1L battery. Moss reports a female elephant in its sixties whose final set of molars were worn smooth and about one-quarter of their original size and who survived "with extra chewing and longer feeding bouts." Abscesses of chewing teeth, as well as of tusks and jaws, are common in elephants, and may lead to premature death. Tusks in the lower jaw are also second incisors. These grew out large in Deinotherium and some mastodons, but in modern elephants they disappear early without eruptingSony VAIO PCG-5R2L battery. Skin Skin of an African (left) and Asian (right) elephant. African elephant bathing Elephants are colloquially called pachyderms (from their original scientific classification), which means thick-skinned animals. An elephant's skin is extremely tough around most parts of its body and measures about 2.5 centimetres (1.0 in) thick. However, the skin around the mouth and inside of the ear is considerably thinnerSony VAIO PCG-5R1L battery. Normally, the skin of an Asian is covered with more hair than its African counterpart. This is most noticeable in the young. Asian calves are usually covered with a thick coat of brownish red fuzz. As they get older, this hair darkens and becomes more sparse, but it will always remain on their heads and tails. The species of elephants are typically greyish in colour, but the Africans very often appear brown or reddish from wallowing in mud holes of colored soilSony VAIO PCG-5P4L battery. Wallowing is an important behaviour in elephant society. Not only is it important for socialization, but the mud acts as a sunscreen, protecting its skin from harsh ultraviolet radiation. Although tough, an elephant's skin is very sensitive. Without regular mud baths to protect it from burning, as well as from insect bites and moisture loss, an elephant's skin would suffer serious damageSony VAIO PCG-5P2L battery. After bathing, the elephant will usually use its trunk to blow soil on its body to help dry and bake on its new protective coat. As elephants are limited to smaller and smaller areas, there is less water available, and local herds will often come too close over the right to use these limited resources. Wallowing also aids the skin in regulating body temperatures. Elephants have difficulty in releasing heat through the skin becauseSony VAIO PCG-5N4L battery, in proportion to their body size, they have very little of it. The ratio of an elephant's mass to the surface area of its skin is many times that of a human. Elephants have even been observed lifting up their legs to expose the soles of their feet, presumably in an effort to expose more skin to the air. Since wild elephants live in very hot climates, they must have other means of getting rid of excess heatSony VAIO PCG-5N2L battery. Legs and feet Elephant using its feet to crush a watermelon before eating it. An elephant's toenail as a museum exhibit An elephant's legs are roughly shaped like columns or pillars, as they must be to support its bulk. The elephant needs less muscular power to stand because of its straight legs and large padded feet. For this reason, an elephant can stand for very long periods of time without tiring. In fact, African elephants rarely lie down unless they are sick or wounded. Indian elephants, in contrast, lie down frequentlySony VAIO PCG-51513L battery. The feet of an elephant are nearly round. African elephants have three nails on each hind foot, and four on each front foot. Indian elephants have four nails on each hind foot and five on each front foot. Beneath the bones of the foot is a tough, gelatinous material that acts as a cushion or shock absorber. Under the elephant's weight, the foot swellsSony VAIO PCG-51511L battery, but it gets smaller when the weight is removed. An elephant can sink deep into mud, but can pull its legs out readily because its feet become smaller when they are lifted. Elephants swim well, but cannot trot, jump, or gallop. They do have two gaits: a walk and a faster gait that is similar to running. In walking, the legs act as pendulums, with the hips and shoulders rising and falling while the foot is planted on the groundSony VAIO PCG-51412L battery. With no "aerial phase", the faster gait does not meet all the criteria of running, as elephants always have at least one foot on the ground. However, an elephant moving fast uses its legs much like other running animals, with the hips and shoulders falling and then rising while the feet are on the ground. In this gait, an elephant will have three feet off the ground at one timeSony VAIO PCG-51411L battery. As both of the hind feet and both of the front feet are off the ground at the same time, this gait has been likened to the hind legs and the front legs taking turns running.[57] Tests at the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre are reported to show that fast-moving elephants 'run' with their front legs, but 'walk' with their hind legs. Sony VAIO PCG-51312L battery Although they start this "run" at only 8 km/h,[59] elephants have been reported to reach speeds up to 40 km/h (25 mph),[60] all the while using the same gait. In tests at the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre, the fastest elephants reached a top speed of 18 km/h (11 mph).[58] At this speed, most other four-legged creatures are well into a gallop, even accounting for leg lengthSony VAIO PCG-51311L battery. Spring-like kinetics could explain the difference between the motion of elephants and other animals.[61] See also: Comparative foot morphology#Elephant foot Ears Difference between Asian (left) and African (right) elephant ears. The large flapping ears of an elephant are also very important for temperature regulation. Elephant ears are made of a very thin layer of skin stretched over cartilage and a rich network of blood vessels. On hot days, elephants will flap their ears constantly, creating a slight breezeSony VAIO PCG-51211L battery. This breeze cools the surface blood vessels, and then the cooler blood gets circulated to the rest of the animal's body. The hot blood entering the ears can be cooled as much as 10 °F (6 °C) before returning to the body. Differences in the ear sizes of African and Asian elephants can be explained, in part, by their geographical distribution. Africans originated and stayed near the equatorSony VAIO PCG-41112L battery, where it is warmer. Therefore, they have bigger ears. Asians live farther north, in slightly cooler climates, and thus have smaller ears. The ears are also used in certain displays of aggression and during the males' mating period. If an elephant wants to intimidate a predator or rival, it will spread its ears out wide to make itself look more massive and imposing. During the breeding season, males give off an odor from the musth gland located behind their eyesSony VAIO PCG-3A4L battery. Joyce Poole, a well-known elephant researcher, has theorized that the males will fan their ears in an effort to help propel this "elephant cologne" great distances.[62] Biology and behavior The skeleton of a dwarf elephant from the island of Crete. Dwarf elephants were present on some Mediterranean islands until about 10,000 years ago. Evolution The earliest known ancestors of modern-day elephants evolved about 60 million years ago. Moeritherium, the ancestor of the elephants from 37 million years ago was aquatic and had a similar lifestyle to a hippopotamus. Sony VAIO PCG-3A3L battery By the time of the first Gomphotherium the animal developed tusks on both jaws, upper and lower. Here the lineage seemed to split with the Dinotherium specialising in tusks on the lower jaws, while Mammoths and Mastodons like modern elephants develop tusks only on the top jaws. Social behavior This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removedSony VAIO PCG-3A2L battery. (June 2011) Elephants live in a structured social order. The social lives of male and female elephants are very different. The females spend their entire lives in tightly knit family groups made up of mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts. These groups are led by the eldest female, or matriarch. Adult males, on the other hand, live mostly solitary livesSony VAIO PCG-3A1L battery. The social circle of the female elephant does not end with the small family unit. In addition to encountering the local males that live on the fringes of one or more groups, the female's life also involves interaction with other families, clans, and subpopulations. Most immediate family groups range from five to fifteen adults, as well as a number of immature males and femalesSony VAIO PCG-394L battery. When a group gets too big, a few of the elder daughters will break off and form their own small group. They remain very aware of which local herds are relatives and which are not. Elephant footprints (tire tracks for scale) The life of the adult male is very different. As he gets older, he begins to spend more time at the edge of the herd, gradually going off on his own for hours or days at a time. Eventually, days become weeks, and somewhere around the age of fourteenSony VAIO PCG-393L battery, the mature male, or bull, sets out from his natal group for good. While males do live primarily solitary lives, they will occasionally form loose associations with other males. These groups are called bachelor herds. The males spend much more time than the females fighting for dominance with each other. Only the most dominant males will be permitted to breed with cycling femalesSony VAIO PCG-391L battery. The less dominant ones must wait their turns. It is usually the older bulls, forty to fifty years old, that do most of the breeding. The dominance battles between males can look very fierce, but typically they inflict very little injury. Most of the bouts are in the form of aggressive displays and bluffs. Ordinarily, the smaller, younger, and less confident animal will back off before any real damage can be doneSony VAIO PCG-384L battery. However, during the breeding season, the battles can get extremely aggressive, and the occasional elephant is injured. During this season, known as musth, a bull will fight with almost any other male it encounters, and it will spend most of its time hovering around the female herds, trying to find a receptive mate. In West with the Night, Kenyan Aviatrix Beryl Markham suggests the matriarchal society of elephants may be a recent adaptation, since perhaps 1930, to the arrival of firearmsSony VAIO PCG-383L battery. She describes elephant herds containing multiple adult males as well as females. She further describes how the females attempted to hide the males (hunted disproportionately for their tusks) from hunters.[64] Mating See also: Asian elephant#Reproduction This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2011) Sony VAIO PCG-382L battery Elephant mating behaviour. Elephant mating behaviour (2) The mating season is short and females are only able to conceive for a few days each year. She will detach herself from the herd. The scent of the female (cow) elephant in heat (or estrus) attracts the male and she also uses audible signals to attract the male. As the female can usually outrun the male, she does not have to mate with every male that approaches herSony VAIO PCG-381L battery. The male initiates the courtship and the female ignores him for several minutes. He then stops and starts again. Elephants display a range of affectionate interactions, such as nuzzling, trunk intertwining, and placing their trunks in each other's mouths (image 2). In a rarely observed display of his affection, he may drape his trunk outside of his tusks during the ritual (image 1) Sony VAIO PCG-7185L battery. The interactions may last for 20–30 minutes and do not necessarily result in the male mounting the female, though he may demonstrate arousal during the ritual. The female elephant is not passive in the ritual and uses the same techniques as the male. African as well as Asiatic males will engage in same-sex bonding and mounting. The encounters are analogous to heterosexual bouts, one male often extending his trunk along the other's back and pushing forward with his tusks to signify his intention to mountSony VAIO PCG-7184L battery. Unlike heterosexual relations, which are always of a fleeting nature, those between males result in a "companionship", consisting of an older individual and one or two younger, attendant males. Same-sex relations are common and frequent in both sexes, with Asiatic elephants in captivity devoting roughly 46% of sexual encounters to same-sex activitySony VAIO PCG-7183L battery. Intelligence Main article: Elephant intelligence Human, pilot whale and elephant brains up to scale. (1)-cerebrum (1a)-temporal lobe and (2)-cerebellum. With a mass just over 5 kg (11 lb), elephant brains are larger than those of any other land animal. A wide variety of behaviours associated with intelligence have been attributed to elephants, including those associated with grief, making music, art, altruism, allomotheringSony VAIO PCG-7182L battery, play, use of tools,[66] compassion and self-awareness.[67] Elephants are believed to rank equally in terms of intelligence with cetaceans and nonhuman primates. The elephant's brain is similar to that of humans in terms of structure and complexity; the elephant brain exhibits a gyral pattern more complex and with more numerous convolutes, or brain folds, than that of humansSony VAIO PCG-7181L battery, primates or carnivores, but less complex than cetaceans.[68] However, the cortex of the elephant brain is "thicker than that of cetaceans" and is believed to have as many cortical neurons (nerve cells) and cortical synapses as that of humans, which exceeds that of cetaceans.[69] Senses Elephants have well innervated trunks and an exceptional sense of hearing and smell. The hearing receptors reside not only in ears, but also in trunks that are sensitive to vibrationsSony VAIO PCG-7174L battery, and most significantly feet, which have special receptors for low frequency sound and are exceptionally well innervated. Elephants communicate by sound over large distances of several kilometers partly through the ground, which is important for their social lives. Elephants have been observed listening by putting their trunks on the ground and by careful positioning their feetSony VAIO PCG-7173L battery. The eyesight of elephants is relatively poor. Self-awareness Mirror self recognition is a test of self-awareness and cognition used in animal studies. A mirror was provided and visible marks were made on the elephant. The elephant investigated these marks which were visible only via the mirror. The tests also included invisible marks to rule out the possibility of their using other senses to detect these marksSony VAIO PCG-7172L battery. This shows that elephants recognize the fact that the image in the mirror is their own self, and such abilities are considered the basis for empathy, altruism and higher social interactions. This ability has also been demonstrated in humans, apes, bottlenose dolphins,[70] and magpies.[71] A young elephant in ZimbabweSony VAIO PCG-7171L battery. Communication Elephants make a number of sounds when communicating. Elephants are famous for their trumpet calls, which are made when the animal blows through its nostrils. Trumpeting is usually made during excitement. Its use varies from startlement to a cry of help to rage. Elephants also make rumbling growls when greeting each otherSony VAIO PCG-7162L battery. The growl becomes a bellow when the mouth is open and a bellow becomes a moan when prolonged. This can escalate with a roar when threatening another elephant or another animal. Elephants can communicate over long distances by producing and receiving low-frequency sound (infrasound), a sub-sonic rumbling, which can travel in the air and through the ground much farther than higher frequenciesSony VAIO PCG-7161L battery. These calls range in frequency from 15–35 Hz and can be as loud as 117 dB, allowing communication for many kilometres, with a possible maximum range of around 10 km.[72] This sound can be felt by the sensitive skin of an elephant's feet and trunk, which pick up the resonant vibrations much as the flat skin on the head of a drum. To listen attentivelySony VAIO PCG-7154L battery, every member of the herd will lift one foreleg from the ground, and face the source of the sound, or often lay its trunk on the ground. The lifting presumably increases the ground contact and sensitivity of the remaining legs. This ability is thought also to aid their navigation by use of external sources of infrasound. Discovery of this new aspect of elephant social communication and perception came with breakthroughs in audio technologySony VAIO PCG-7153L battery, which can pick up frequencies outside the range of the human ear. Pioneering research in elephant infrasound communication was done by Katy Payne, of the Elephant Listening Project,[73] and is detailed in her book Silent Thunder. Though this research is still in its infancy, it is helping to solve many mysteries, such as how elephants can find distant potential mates, and how social groups are able to coordinate their movements over extensive range. Sony VAIO PCG-7152L batteryJoyce Poole has also begun decoding elephant utterances that have been recorded over many years of observation, hoping to create a lexicon based on a systematic catalogue of elephant sounds.[74] Diet Elephants are herbivores and spend up to 16 hours a day eating plants. Their diets are highly variable, both seasonally and across habitats and regions. Elephants are primarily browsers, feeding on the leaves, bark and fruits of trees and shrubsSony VAIO PCG-7151L battery, but they may also eat considerable amounts of grasses and herbs. As is true for other nonruminant ungulates, elephants only digest approximately 40% of what they eat. They make up for their digestive systems' lack of efficiency in volume. An adult elephant consumes 140–270 kg (300–600 lb) of food a day Sony VAIO PCG-7148L battery. Sleep Further information: Sleep (non-human) The average sleep time of an elephant is said to be only two plus hours per day. This is thought to be because they are so big they have to eat most of the time.[76] The large size of their brains comes primarily from glial cells, which do not form action potentials, so could effect circadian rhythms. Sony VPCW21M2E/WI battery Reproduction and life cycle Elephant calves This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2011) Female elephant social life revolves around breeding and raising of the calves. A female will usually be ready to breed around the age of thirteen when she comes into estrusSony VPCW21C7E battery, a short phase of receptiveness lasting a couple of days, for the first time. Females announce their estrus with smell signals and special calls. Female African elephant with calf, in Kenya. Females prefer bigger, stronger, and, most importantly, older males. Such a reproductive strategy tends to increase their offspring's chances of survival. After a twenty-two-month pregnancy, the mother gives birth to a single calf that weighs about 115 kg (250 lb) and stands over 75 cm (2.5 ft) tallSony VPCW12S1E/WZ battery. Elephants have a very long development. As is common with more intelligent species, they are born with fewer survival instincts than many other animals. Instead, they rely on their elders to teach them what they need to know. Today, however, the pressures humans have put on the wild elephant populations, from poaching to habitat destructionSony VPCW12S1E/W battery, mean that the elderly often die at a younger age, leaving fewer teachers for the young. The consequences of this for the next generation are not known. A new calf is usually the center of attention for herd members. Adults and most of the other young will gather around the newborn, touching and caressing it with their trunks. The baby is born nearly blind and at first relies almost completely on its trunk to discover the world around itSony VPCW12S1E/T battery. Elephants within a herd are usually related and all members of the tightly knit female group participate in the care and protection of the young. After the initial excitement, the mother will usually select several full-time baby-sitters for allomothering. An elephant is considered an allomother when she is not able to have her own calfSony VPCW12S1E/P battery, usually because she is too old to breed or too young. The more allomothers, the better the calf's chances of survival. A benefit of being an allomother is that she can gain experience or receive assistance when caring for her own calf. According to Cynthia Moss, a well known researcher, these allomothers will help in all aspects of raising the calf except nursing it. Sony VPCW11S1E/W battery They walk with the young as the herd travels, helping the calves along if they fall or get stuck in the mud. The more allomothers a calf has, the more free time its mother has to feed herself. Providing a calf with nutritious milk means the mother has to eat more nutritious food herself. Effect on the environment Elephants do not fully digest their food. Other animals, such as this Baboon may pick through elephant dung looking for undigested seedsSony VPCW11S1E/T battery Elephants can have profound impacts on the ecosystems they occupy with both positive and negative effects on other species, especially with their foraging activities. By pulling down trees to eat leaves, breaking branches and pulling out roots, they reduce woody cover, creating clearings in forests, converting forests to savannas and converting savannas to grasslands. These changes tend to benefit grazers at the expense of browsersSony VPCW11S1E/P battery. Dung beetles and termites both eat elephant feces. During the dry season, elephants use their tusks to dig into river beds to reach underground sources of water. These holes may then become essential sources of water for other species. Elephants make paths through their environment that are used by other animalsSony VPCYA1S1E/B battery. Some of these pathways have apparently been used by multiple generations of elephants, used by humans and eventually even been converted to roads. A well documented example of this is the road down the Zambezi Escarpment from Makuti to Kariba in Zimbabwe. Threats Men with African elephant tusks, Dar es Salaam, c. 1900 Hunting Main article: Ivory trade The threat to the African elephant presented by the ivory trade is unique to the species. Larger, long-lived, slow-breeding animals, like the elephant, are more susceptible to overhunting than other animalsSony VPCYA1V9E/B battery. They cannot hide, and it takes many years for an elephant to grow and reproduce. An elephant needs an average of 140 kg (300 lb) of vegetation a day to survive. As large predators are hunted, the local small grazer populations (the elephant's food competitors) find themselves on the rise. The increased number of herbivores ravage the local trees, shrubs, and grassesSony VPCY21S1E/SI battery. Elephants themselves have few natural predators besides man and, occasionally, lions. However, many African governments legally allow limited hunting. The large amount of money that is charged for the necessary permits is often used to support conservation efforts, and the small number of permits issued (usually for older animals) ensure that populations are not depleted. Sony VPCY21S1E/L battery At the turn of the 20th century, it is estimated that elephants numbered between 5 and 10 million, but hunting and habitat destruction had reduced their numbers to 400,000 to 500,000 by the end of the century.[81] In the ten years preceding 1990 the population more than halved from 1.3 million to around 600,000, largely caused by the ivory tradeSony VPCY21S1E/G battery, prompting an international ivory ban.[82][83] While elephant populations are increasing in parts of southern and eastern Africa,[84] other African nations report a decrease of their elephant populations by as much as two-thirds, and populations in even some protected areas are in danger of being eliminated[85] Chad has a decades-old history of poaching of elephantsSony VPCY11S1E/S battery, which has caused the elephant population of the region, which exceeded 300,000 in 1970, to drop to approximately 10,000 today.[86] In Virunga National Park, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the number of elephants living in the observable area of the park fell from 2,889 in 1951 to 348 in 2006.[87] Habitat loss Another threat to elephants' survival in general is the ongoing cultivation of their habitats with increasing risk of conflicts of interest with human cohabitantsSony VPCY11S1E battery. These conflicts kill 150 elephants and up to 100 people per year in Sri Lanka.[88] The Asian elephants' demise can be attributed mostly to loss of its habitat. For African elephants, a technique was introduced successfully in 2011 that largely prevented savannah elephants from raiding farmers' croplands. Beehive fences were put around farming areas scaring the elephants away from the areas and providing the farmers with additional source of income. Sony VPCZ11X9E/B battery As larger patches of forest disappear, the ecosystem is affected in profound ways. The trees are responsible for anchoring soil and absorbing water runoff. Floods and massive erosion are common results of deforestation. Elephants need massive tracts of land because, much like the slash-and-burn farmers, they are used to crashing through the forestSony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery, tearing down trees and shrubs for food and then cycling back later on, when the area has regrown. As forests are reduced to small pockets, elephants become part of the problem, quickly destroying all the vegetation in an area, eliminating all their resources. National parks Africa's first official reserve, Kruger National Park, eventually became one of the world's most famous and successful national parks.[90] There are, however, many problems associated with the establishment of these reservesSony VPCZ12M9E/B battery. For example, elephants range through a wide tract of land with little regard for national borders. Once a reserve is established and fences erected, many animals find themselves cut off from their winter feeding grounds or spring breeding areas. Some animals may die as a result, while others, like the elephants, may just trample over the fences, wreaking havoc in nearby fieldsSony VPCZ12X9E/X battery. When confined to small territories, elephants can inflict an enormous amount of damage to the local landscapes.[91] Additionally, some reserves, such as Kruger National Park has, in the opinion of wildlife managers, suffered from elephant overcrowding, at the expense of other species of wildlife within the reserve. On 25 February 2008, the South Africa announced that they would reintroduce culling for the first time since 1994 to control elephant numbers although no cull has yet taken place. Sony VPCZ12Z9E/X battery Nevertheless, as scientists learn more about nature and the environment, it becomes very clear that these parks may be the elephants' last hope against the rapidly changing world around them. Fertilizer At Bengkulu province in Indonesia, four elephants died and based on the autopsy of one of them there was a high content of nitrogen in its body. The initial suspicion is the elephants had eaten fertilizer spread around trees in the plantationSony VPCZ138GA battery. The elephants may have been after the salt in the fertilizer and that would have led to their deaths.[93] Humans and elephants Elephant pillar carvings at Kailash Temple[disambiguation needed ], India Hunting Indian(?) elephant, from a Lombardy manuscript, circa 1400. Elephant hunting, both legal and illegal, has had some unexpected consequences on elephant anatomy as well. African ivory hunters, by killing only tusked elephants, have given a much larger chance of mating to elephants with small tusks or no tusks at allSony VPCZ13M9E/B battery. The propagation of the absent-tusk gene has resulted in the birth of large numbers of tuskless elephants, now approaching 30% in some populations (compare with a rate of about 1% in 1930)[citation needed]. Tusklessness, once a rare genetic abnormality, has become a widespread hereditary traitSony VPCZ13M9E/X battery. It is possible, if unlikely, that continued selection pressure could bring about a complete absence of tusks in African elephants. The effect of tuskless elephants on the environment, and on the elephants themselves, could be dramatic. Elephants use their tusks to root around in the ground for necessary minerals, tear apart vegetation, and spar with one another for mating rights. Without tusks, elephant behaviour could change dramatically. Sony VPCZ13V9E battery Domestication and use Elephants are used to entertain tourists at some beaches as at Havelock Island, India. Elephants have been working animals used in various capacities by humans. Seals found in the Indus Valley suggest that the elephant was first domesticated in ancient India. However, elephants have never been truly domesticated: the male elephant in his periodic condition of musth is dangerous and difficult to controlSony VPCZ13V9E/X battery. Therefore, elephants used by humans have typically been female, war elephants being an exception; as female elephants in battle will run from a male, only males could be used in war. It is generally more economical to capture wild young elephants and tame them than to breed them in captivity (see also elephant "crushing")Sony VPCZ13Z9E/X battery. The Judean rebel Eleazar Maccabeus kills a Seleucid war elephant and is crushed under it (Miniature from a manuscript Speculum Humanae Salvationis). The Laotians have been domesticating elephants for centuries, and about 500 domesticated elephants are still employed, the majority of which work in the Xaignabouli province. These elephants are mainly employed in the logging industrySony VPCZ21M9E battery, with ecotourism emerging as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative. Elefantasia is a local INGO aiming to reconvert logging elephants into ecotourism practices, thus allowing Asian elephants the ability to supply their mahouts with income while still allowing them to breed. Elephants are also commonly exhibited in zoos and wild animal parksSony VPCZ21Q9E battery. About 1200 elephants are kept in western zoos. A study shows that the lifespan of elephants in European zoos is about half as long as those living in protected areas in Africa and Asia.[95] As of July 2010, the oldest living African elephant in captivity is Ruaha (59) at Zoo Basel . Elephants are revered in India (and are worshipped in ceremonies such as the Aanayoottu) Sony VPCZ21V9E battery. Warfare Main article: War elephant War elephants were used by armies in the Indian subcontinent, the Warring States of China and later by the Persian Empire. This use was adopted by Hellenistic armies after Alexander the Great experienced their value against King Porus, notably in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid diadoch empires. The Carthaginian general Hannibal took elephants across the Alps when he was fighting the RomansSony VPCEH3T9E battery, but brought too few elephants to be of much military use, although his horse cavalry was quite successful. He probably used a now-extinct third African subspecies, the North African forest elephant, smaller than its two southern cousins and presumably easier to domesticate. A large elephant in full charge could cause tremendous damage to infantry and cavalry horses would be afraid of them (see Battle of Hydaspes) Sony VPCEH3N6E battery. In the Southeast Asia, the powerful Khmer Empire had come to regional dominance by the 9th century AD, drawing heavily on the use of war elephants. With the collapse of Khmer power in the 15th century, the successor region powers of Burma (now Myanmar) and Siam (now Thailand) also adopted the widespread use of war elephants. A notable example of a battle using elephants in Southeast Asia is YuttahadhiSony VPCEH3N1E battery. Elephants in use by Indian cavalry Embroidered housings and trappings of the elephant and Howdah exhibited by her Majesty in Great Exhibition Industry Elephant work camp in Thailand. Elephants are used for heavy forest work and in circus presentations. Throughout Burma, Siam, India, and most of South Asia, elephants were used in the military for heavy labour, especially for uprooting trees and moving logs, and were also commonly used as executioners to crush the condemned underfootSony VPCEH3D0E battery. Elephants have also been used as mounts for safari-type hunting, especially Indian shikar (mainly on tigers), and as ceremonial mounts for royal and religious occasions, while Asian elephants have been used for transport and entertainment. Zoo and circuses There is growing resistance[97] against the capture, confinement and use of wild elephants. Animal rights advocates allege elephants in zoos and circuses "suffer a life of chronic physical ailments, social deprivation, emotional starvation and premature death".Sony VPCEH3B1E battery Zoos argue that standards for treatment of elephants are extremely high and minimum requirements for space, enclosure design, nutrition, reproduction, enrichment and veterinary care are set to ensure the well-being of elephants in captivity. However, elephants in zoos have a reduced life-span and reproduction compared to working elephants in timber camps[99] and in a survey of elephants in the UKSony VPCEH2Z1E battery, 54% of the elephants showed stereotypical behaviour. Circuses continue to have a mixed record. Recently, the city of Los Angeles closed an elephant act with Circus Vazquez due to numerous instances of abuse and neglect (April 2008),[102] and according to PETA, 27 elephants owned by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus have died since 1992. Sony VPCEH2S9E battery Elephants have traditionally been a major part of circuses around the world, being intelligent enough to be trained in a variety of acts (see for example P.T. Barnum's Jumbo and John L. Sullivan, the famous "Boxing Elephant"). However, conditions for circus elephants are unnatural (confinement in small pens or cages, restraints on their feetSony VPCEH2Q1E battery, lack of companionship of other elephants). Perhaps as a result, there are occasional instances of them attacking their keepers or handlers (examples include Black Diamond and "Murderous Mary"). Elephants raised in captivity sometimes show "rocking behavior", a rhythmic and repetitive swaying which is unreported in free-ranging wild elephants. Thought to be symptomatic of stress disorders, and probably made worse by a barren environment, Sony VPCEH2P0E battery rocking behavior may be a precursor to aggressive behavior in captive elephants. This link is to an image of Devi (little princess), a 30-year-old Asian elephant raised in captivity at the San Diego Zoo showing "rocking behavior". Hybrids African and Asian elephant species have disjunct distributions, and do not hybridize in the wild. However, in 1978 at Chester Zoo, an Asian elephant cow gave birth to a hybrid calf sired by an African elephant bullSony VPCEH2N1E battery. "Motty", the resulting hybrid male calf, had an African elephant's cheeks, ears (large with pointed lobes) and legs (longer and slimmer), but the toenail numbers (five for each front foot, four hind), and the single trunk finger of an Asian elephant. His wrinkled trunk was like that of an African elephant. His forehead was sloping with one dome and two smaller domes behind itSony VPCEH2M9E battery. The body was African in type, but had an Asian-type center hump and an African-type rear hump. The calf died of infection 12 days later.[107] It is preserved as a mounted specimen at the British Natural History Museum, London. There are unconfirmed rumors of three other hybrid elephants born in zoos or circuses; all are said to have been deformed and none survivedSony VPCEH2M1E battery. Elephant aggression Devi (little princess), a 30-year-old Asian elephant raised in captivity at the San Diego Zoo exhibiting "rocking behavior" (animation), a rhythmic and repetitive swaying which is unreported in free ranging wild elephants. Thought to be symptomatic of stress disorders, and probably made worse by a barren environment,[104] rocking behavior may be a precursor to aggressive behavior in captive elephantsSony VPCEH2L9E battery. Elephants can crush and kill any other land animal, even the rhinoceros. They can experience bouts of rage and engage in actions that have been interpreted as vindictive.[108] In Africa, groups of young teenage elephants attacked human villages after cullings done in the 1970s and 80s. In India, male elephants regularly attack villages at night, destroying homes and killing peopleSony VPCEH2J1E battery. In the Indian state of Jharkhand, 300 people were killed by elephants between 2000 and 2004, and in Assam, 239 people were reported killed by elephants between 2001 and 2006.[108] Musth Main article: Musth Adult male elephants periodically enter the state called musth (Hindi for "madness"), sometimes spelled "must" in English. Elephants in musth display highly aggressive behavior and elevated levels of reproductive hormonesSony VPCEH2H1E battery. Other causes Local people have reported their belief that some elephants were drunk during their attacks, although there is no confirmed evidence of this. In December 1998, a herd of elephants overran a village in India. Although locals reported that nearby elephants had recently been observed drinking beer which rendered them "unpredictable"Sony VPCEH2F1E battery, officials considered it the least likely explanation for the attack. An attack on another Indian village occurred in October 1999, and again locals believed the reason was drunkenness, but again the theory was not widely accepted.[112] Purportedly drunk elephants raided yet another Indian village again on December 2002, killing six people, which led to the killing of about 200 elephants by localsSony VPCEH2E0E battery. In popular culture See also: Cultural depictions of elephants Elephants are ubiquitous in Western popular culture as emblems of the exotic[114] because their unique appearance and size sets them apart from other animals and because, like other African animals such as the giraffe, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, they are unfamiliar to Western audiences. Popular culture's stock references to elephants rely on this exotic uniquenessSony VPCEH2D0E battery. For instance, a "white elephant" is a byword for something expensive, useless and bizarre. As characters, elephants are relegated largely to children's literature,[114] in which they are generally cast as models of exemplary behaviour,[114] but account for some of this branch of literature's most iconic characters. Many stories tell of isolated young elephants returning to a close-knit communitySony VPCEH2C0E battery, such as The Elephant’s Child from Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories (1902), Dumbo (1942) or The Saggy Baggy Elephant (1947). Other elephant heroes given human qualities include Laurent de Brunhoff's anthropomorphic Babar (1935), David McKee's Elmer (1989) and Dr. Seuss's Horton (1940). More than other exotic animals, elephants in fiction are surrogates for humansSony VPCEH1Z1E battery, with their concern for the community and each other depicted as something to aspire to.[116] The use of the elephant as a symbol of the Republican Party (United States) began with an 1874 cartoon by Thomas Nast. The University of Alabama has a mascot of an elephant named Big Al.

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